Discover how to customize your application with AOS products. From Windows to Linux, Matlab, LabView, High Level Libraries and many more
Windows API/SDK
API working at high, medium or low level
Application examples with Ascan and Bscan display (OEM-PA Tool, OEM-PA Sector)
Source code examples (C++, C#, Python…etc.)
Receive each A-scan in a buffer that can be interfaced to your own software
Single element GUI with source code provided
API working at high, medium or low level
Application examples with Ascan and Bscan display (OEM-PA Tool, OEM-PA Sector)
Source code examples (C++, C#, Python…etc.)
Receive each A-scan in a buffer that can be interfaced to your own software
Single element GUI with source code provided
Custom Application
Open concept: customize to your specific application
Software Development Kit (SDK)
Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
Settings, acquisition and visualization examples provided (open source)
Low level control and access to all phased array parameters

3D Focal Law API
Extensive Probe Configurations (Linear, Matrix, dual 1.5D array, 2D, 3D TRL, Annular, Wedge …)
Custom Matrix with probe definition file (XYZ coordinate of each element in the matrix)
Flat and curved test specimens

AOS Driver for Matlab
Get started quickly with easy to use DLL
Native MATLAB functions for OEM-PA
Comes with example .m scripts with GUI
Stream conventional A-scan or FMC data real-time into MATLAB environment.

AOS Driver for LabVIEW
Get started quickly with easy to use DLL
Native LabVIEW functions for interfacing with OEM-PA
Comes with example VIs
Take advantage of LabVIEW’s ease of use for rapid graphical development

High Level API for configuring the Phased Array unit, acquiring FMC data (or other patterns) and performing real-time TFM imaging.
Example code provided
For use with OEM-MCµ, OEM-MC Mini, OEM-MC2, OEM-PA Mini, OEM-PA Max
Perfect for use with robots or scanners, Ideal for fast inspection
Create dedicated applications for advanced imaging
Imaging is handled by TFM Toolbox
1- OEM-PA Matlab Driver Example Video
See an example of a simple GUI in Matlab that interfaces with OEM-PA hardware
1- OEM-PA LabVIEW B-Scan Example Video
See an example of a simple GUI in LabVIEW that interfaces with OEM-PA hardware.